Master Group Holding bv / Stichting stak Master M

Future Vision

Stichting STAK with Non-Voting Certificates for MasterSportsGroup (

In the future, the Foundation for Administrative Trust (STAK) with Non-Voting Certificates will play a pivotal role in the corporate structure of Master Group Holding BV and the online presence at This legal entity is being developed to serve specific objectives and interests, including safeguarding the company culture and ensuring the continuity of MasterSportsGroup.

The Purpose of the STAK with Non-Voting Certificates:

The STAK with Non-Voting Certificates will be established to cater to financial interests without the transfer of voting rights. This allows the economic benefits of shares in Master Sports Group Holding BV to be enjoyed without affecting control over decision-making within the company. This structure enables us to attract external investments and ensure financial stability without compromising our corporate culture.

Functioning of the STAK with Non-Voting Certificates:

The STAK holds the shares of Master Sports Group Holding BV and issues certificates to stakeholders who are entitled to financial benefits, such as profit sharing. However, these certificates do not grant voting rights in the company's decision-making processes. This safeguards the stability of business operations and the continuity of our vision.

Key Benefits of a STAK with Non-Voting Certificates:

  • Preservation of Company Culture: It preserves the company culture and vision of MasterSportsGroup, as significant decisions within the organization remain unchanged.

  • Financial Stability: It allows for external investments without diluting control over the company.

  • Continuity: It provides a structured framework for the transfer of ownership and financial benefits without impacting the leadership and identity of the company.

The Foundation for Administrative Trust (STAK) with Non-Voting Certificates is a fundamental instrument to secure financial stability and simultaneously protect the core values and corporate culture of MasterSportsGroup. This legal structure is critical in supporting our growth and future endeavors at and in future ventures.